Sunday, January 2, 2011

Minus One

In a matter of a couple days, I'll have the majority of my immediate family here with me! That is....minus one. My youngest daughter, Nikki, will be here to visit for a week but my oldest, Bridgette, cannot come because of work. Bummer! I'm elated at the thought of having Nikki here! I miss her with every breath that I take.

I moved to KY. from PA. to be near my mom back in 2001. The girls moved here with me. They hated it from the get go. I honestly don't think they ever gave it a chance...a true chance. Later that year I met Tony and the rest is history for us. We married a year later (I moved to SO. IN. with him). To say that things were easy for Tony and the girls would be less than the truth. They were tough because both sides had expectations that were unrealistic. Not a good combination if you ask me.

Fast forward a couple years and a lot of both the girls asking constantly to go back to PA. Well, I finally gave in and let them go back. It was starting to effect our relationship and I didn't want that.

Now...years later, I can't say whether I regret my decision or not. All I can say is that what is done is done and I must live with the decisions I've made. I can say that I truly miss the girls with every single breath that I take. I miss their smiles, their expressions of love, the funny side, the silly side, and even the wish-washy teenagerish side to them.

My life and my heart are in my children.....all of them....all three of them. No matter how far apart they are from me......they are a part of my heart and my soul. I long for them. I long to hear from them. I long to be near them and I long to be a part of their lives. They are forever a part of me and I a part of them. The way God intended it to be.

Nikki and Bridgette

Bridgette, Joshua and Nikki

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