Us girls, brought together in an amazing friendship through our adoptions from Guatemala. Now formed, and since our gathering in Paducah, KY, we've become so much more. We are now sisters. Sisters of the heart, sisters in Christ, and sisters forevermore. Kelly, Jess and myself were destined to be "sisters" when we "met" in 2007 at the start of our adoption journeys through our adoption agency. Though distance has kept us at arms length, we have since come together in friendship and in sisterhood!
Now, having a symbol of our bonded sisterhood, Jess Richter gifted us with these amazing "Show Hope Bracelets" for Christmas. This bracelet is an adoption prayer bracelet with the scripture of James 1:27 on it. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep onself from being polluted by the world." NIV
The best part of the entire weekend was this: the "snow" cookies that the kiddos made!! My Joshua called the flour, "snow" when he said, "I need more snow on the table to make my cookies." We all laughed so hard! From that point, the kids started to take it to another level. Oh boy did they. They were throwing "snow" on each other, Aiden was throwing "snow" on himself...LOL....and sweet Hannah, well, she was happy with mommy holding her.
Then today we took our sisterhood to yet another level ourselves. We worshiped together at Kelly's church. Sisters in fellowship then sisters at the table....well, with Pizza naturally!! We went back to The Gross' house for lunch.....for PIZZA! The kids were amazing....more fellowshiping with each other before Jess, Aiden and Hannah and Joshua and myself had to head to our respective "homes"....Jess was on her way to another "sister's" house in Georgia. This sister was also with our agency. We are bound together in Christ's love.....with our love of adoption and our children, and now with our love of each other. Stronger friendships were formed. We are no longer just friends.....we're sisters. Thank you, Jesus for my new sisters!!
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