Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3,285 Days!

Pink...not only is it my FAVORITE color...but it reminds me of the color of "love." So what is up with my title? Well, today (actually it is the middle of the night so it was yesterday ~ Dec. 21) is our anniversary of sorts. This is the 9th anniversary (9 years is 3,285 days) of our first date. The day I first laid eyes on my husband. I knew in a moment that he'd play an important part in my life somehow! How did I know this? I can't explain it or tell you how, I just knew. It was a God-thing.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Tony and I met online. Never in a million years did I think I'd meet my future spouse online. LOL! I mean, who does that? Not me. Well, I did.

God brought us together and keeps us together. Well, actually, we have to do the hard work necessary, but I think you know what I mean. Listen, THREE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED and EIGHTY-FIVE days!! Whoa! That is a lot of stinkin' days! Each day is a journey. A journey of the heart, a journey of the mind, and a journey of kindrid spirits seeking to go through this life together though times may be great, and times may get even so hard that we want to give up. I refuse to give up. This is my commitment to him. My covenant to him.

On the day I said, "I do," I promised (actually covenanted) to be with Tony through thick and thin. Though Love may be the easy part....the hard part is, well, actually, all of it is hard. Very hard. Every day is a challenge to stay "in love." Mind you, I LOVE Tony with every single ounce of my being.....every ounce.

Love is like a delicate rose. Beautiful, enticing, the aroma draws you in. BUT....to keep it beautiful, you must work at it, you must water it, you must prune it. Did you realize that pruning it almost makes it "ugly"? We have to bring out the ugly in ourselves and bring that to each other in honesty and hope.....to let each other see us for who we REALLY are....ugly parts and all. I love Tony's ugly side, I love his beauty, I love HIM for HIM. I love who God made Tony to be. ALL OF HIM!

I am crying as I write this because I deeply, deeply know in my heart of hearts that this could all change in an instant. Life is funny that way. People are strange....we are strange. We take things way too seriously sometimes. And sometimes not serious enough. I VOW to change the way I've committed myself to my husband. I vow to give him my entire all. I've given him my life....my love and my hope....my dreams and my fears. Now, I vow to listen more. Not to be selfish in some ways. It's about US.....not me AND Him.....but US. Strictly, us....with our family.

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