Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wrinkles? What wrinkles??

Too funny, I'm in my early 40's (VERY early 40's at, almost..I'm at least on the early side...does that count?) and I worry like crazy about wrinkles!! About 2 years ago, I purchased for the first time in my life, ahem.....wrinkle cream!! Can you believe it? Oh yes.....well, let me explain. I have been a big tanning fan most of my adult and teenage life so hence comes the God forsaken wrinkles. Well, crap!! Why does there always have to be some sort of "side-effect" to what we "THINK" is good?? I know, I know, I hear it ALL the time about my tanning......what it'll do to my skin, the "c" word, etc. Believe me, I know, I know. There is even a friend of mine at work who tries her hardest to keep me from going to lunch so that I won't tan on my break on the days that she works with me. LOL!!

Well, how many of you, honestly, worry about the same thing? My guess is more than want to admit it. We don't want to look "vain" in any way, shape or form. But, goodness sakes, who in their right mind WANTS to be wrinkled? I have a lady that I work with that looks, well, amazing for her age. She hardly has ANY wrinkles.....can you imagine? I can and that is why I talked to her about it. Well, she gave me her "secret"......she doesn't subscribe to paying "more" for better.....she simply believes that if you take good care of your skin and moisturize it daily, you'll be good to go. Well, I can't remember exactly WHEN, but I honestly think it was the next day, I went out to my local Wal Mart and purchased my first wrinkle cream!! 

I also have oily skin in places (mostly the T Zone) so that is a factor in purchasing the "STUFF of MIRACLES!!" I did my little bit of research and came up with what I felt was best suited for my skin and my budget. It still isn't what my husband calls "cheap".....but then again, if it isn't under $10 or less to him, it's not worth the money. I think he'd rather I go out in the yard and manufacture my own with a mixture of Indiana Mud and a bit of egg whites!! YUCK!! I cannot imagine, besides, I have too much on my plate to be a "pharmacist" of sorts!! LOL!!! This is what I came up with.......


I don't miss a day.....well, I've missed a couple when camping, but for the most part.....I take them with me when we go anywhere and they are applied with tender loving care in hopes of vanishing what is there or in the very least, making sure nothing else shows up!! LOL!!

Now, mind you, my husband is quite the "funny man" or so he thinks anyways, but he tells me from time to time that I'm wasting my money because "it just ain't workin' for ya, hon!" But I come back with "What if I DIDN'T use it....can you imagine my wrinkles then?!" He just laughes at me, as usual.

Can I say with certainty that this Garnier works miracles? No, but I do KNOW that my skin is in much better shape than it EVER has been in my life and Garnier did a nice job with the light scent mixed with the non-greasy formula! I know, I sound like a commercial.....but I believe in this stuff.....and my skin shows it!  Leave a comment about what you use and how you came to using it. I'd love to hear all the stories.


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