Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring-like conditions

Guess what I saw at work the other day? Yep, a bit-o-green in the grasss, but better yet....a few finches have returned and were feeding at the finch feeder!!! Try as I might ALL day long, but I could barely snap a pic of them. I wanted so badly to capture their first feedings but alas, i had too much work to do to be "patient" and sit and wait for their return when they got scared and flew away at my arrival.

Today, as a matter of fact, in a few moments, I'll be using a DVD tutorial on picture taking that came with my friends camera (she also happens to be a part of the family). She and I went to my free Beginners DSLR class offered by the place I purchased my camera. You see, they give you a year to take the class. I wanted to get to know my camera before coming to the class and boy am I glad I did as the instructor wasn't very forgiving if you didn't. He didn't seem to really enjoy his job that day. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was "that day"). I'm hoping the tutorial DVD will give me new insights on what to use when, how to do it and plain and simple, teach me how to use the combination of f-stop, iso, etc. The camera shop offers an advanced class for $50 which is worth it to me if I can learn this stuff. Did I mention that I've already taken a 4 week photography course? BUT, I have to say, I didn't have a DSLR camera at the time.

I cannot wait for spring to get here for several being that my picture taking techniques learned will be better to be put to than bare trees, snow, snow and more snow!! I love taking photos of Joshua but the poor kiddo needs a break I reckon. We have a pretty flowering tree in our front landscaping....and I cannot wait to take pics of the first of the pink buds that appear. We live out in the country...seriously....way, way, way out in the country..and I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way because we're so close to Louisville, KY that we get the benefit of life AND country life. I will be taking my trusty Olympus Pen E-PL1 WHEREVER I go once the nice weather hits for good. We've had some 60-70's of late but mixed with 40-50's too. Tis the time of year to have that.....a mix of both.  Secondly, I cannot wait for the FIRST day of Spring.....for it is Joshua's 4th birthday! I can hardly believe that my lil man, my bambino, my lil munchkin' man will be 4....3 will be gone forever to be seen no more. We'll be at Bristol, TN for his a NASCAR race on his birthday....who could ask for more!? He's totally in love with NASCAR and knows ALL of the drivers by # and name and sponsor!! He's been  able to do this since he was TWO!!!! I should've put it on YouTube of his naming off drivers by their sponsors.....too stinkin' cute!!

Well......I cannot wait to see this......

and be able to take "amazing" (insert laughter here) photos of Spring!! Now, to be perfectly honest...Spring is my 2nd fav season with Summer being numero uno because I am from the deep south.....Mississippi to be exact and I reckon I just got used to the HEAT (insert sweat here) Well ppl.....stay with me, enjoy or not enjoy and critique (go on, I can take it) my soon to come photos of Spring, who couldn't love Spring with all of its splendor!? I can, for one, say that my heart is happy!!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

The small of burning rubber..who doesn't love that?

Tomorrow (Sunday) marks the first actual race of the year!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! Daytona. Need I say more? Last year it was Jamie McMurray who took the checkered flag....and cried afterwards...LOVED that!! It showed raw emotion that you rarely see in our men. Here are a few NASCAR runny pics to enjoy while we wait for those most famous words in racing.....Gentleman, Start your engines!!!!!

I honestly don't know which is funnier.....the old lady in her shorts or this guy just above on the john!!!

Have fun watching NASCAR or whatever it is you'll be doing on the day I'll be watching!!!!

~Tina (A true blue NASCAR fan!!)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sportin' Pink!!

Joshua woke up this morning after a weekend of telling us that his "eyes tickled" got it.....PINK EYE. Tony already left for work, so I called him to come back because I really needed to be at work this week for year end paperwork (it's just MAJOR paperwork done yearly). Poor lil guy.....he took Valentines Day a bit seriously when they said to wear some red or pink?!! Tony took him to the Dr. for meds and to verify the dreaded outcome.....yes indeedy, it was Pink Eye for sure. Joshua is "pretty" good about getting the goop in his eyes (has it in both eyes naturally) but hates that he gets blurry eyed for a bit. So we kinda have to bribe him to do it....and it is 6 times a day....that is a lot of bribery goin' on!! LOL!! I've had Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) so many times in my life (even as an adult) so I feel for the precious lil man. First thing out of his mouth this morning was a wimpered whine that he'd miss his Valentines Day Party at Preschool...I told him I'd bring his things there and get his stuff after I get off work....that made him rest a bit better.

Well, our valentines day was wrought with meds, goop and chocolate. What a combo!!! And to boot....I found out what I'm getting for my present.....I'm super duper excited about it too!!! I'll keep you in a bit of suspense......I'll let you know when it is ordered in case it falls Let's just say......I've wanted this for quite some time!

Happy Valentines Day to each of you and yours!! Hope it was wonderful!!

This is the first pic we ever saw of our sweet Valentine, Joshua!!!!! He was just 4 months old in this pic and it took until he was over 18 months old to come home to us! We thank God everyday for him.....for each other and for the happiness we are able to long and joy, my life, my love.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wrinkles? What wrinkles??

Too funny, I'm in my early 40's (VERY early 40's at, almost..I'm at least on the early side...does that count?) and I worry like crazy about wrinkles!! About 2 years ago, I purchased for the first time in my life, ahem.....wrinkle cream!! Can you believe it? Oh yes.....well, let me explain. I have been a big tanning fan most of my adult and teenage life so hence comes the God forsaken wrinkles. Well, crap!! Why does there always have to be some sort of "side-effect" to what we "THINK" is good?? I know, I know, I hear it ALL the time about my tanning......what it'll do to my skin, the "c" word, etc. Believe me, I know, I know. There is even a friend of mine at work who tries her hardest to keep me from going to lunch so that I won't tan on my break on the days that she works with me. LOL!!

Well, how many of you, honestly, worry about the same thing? My guess is more than want to admit it. We don't want to look "vain" in any way, shape or form. But, goodness sakes, who in their right mind WANTS to be wrinkled? I have a lady that I work with that looks, well, amazing for her age. She hardly has ANY wrinkles.....can you imagine? I can and that is why I talked to her about it. Well, she gave me her "secret"......she doesn't subscribe to paying "more" for better.....she simply believes that if you take good care of your skin and moisturize it daily, you'll be good to go. Well, I can't remember exactly WHEN, but I honestly think it was the next day, I went out to my local Wal Mart and purchased my first wrinkle cream!! 

I also have oily skin in places (mostly the T Zone) so that is a factor in purchasing the "STUFF of MIRACLES!!" I did my little bit of research and came up with what I felt was best suited for my skin and my budget. It still isn't what my husband calls "cheap".....but then again, if it isn't under $10 or less to him, it's not worth the money. I think he'd rather I go out in the yard and manufacture my own with a mixture of Indiana Mud and a bit of egg whites!! YUCK!! I cannot imagine, besides, I have too much on my plate to be a "pharmacist" of sorts!! LOL!!! This is what I came up with.......


I don't miss a day.....well, I've missed a couple when camping, but for the most part.....I take them with me when we go anywhere and they are applied with tender loving care in hopes of vanishing what is there or in the very least, making sure nothing else shows up!! LOL!!

Now, mind you, my husband is quite the "funny man" or so he thinks anyways, but he tells me from time to time that I'm wasting my money because "it just ain't workin' for ya, hon!" But I come back with "What if I DIDN'T use it....can you imagine my wrinkles then?!" He just laughes at me, as usual.

Can I say with certainty that this Garnier works miracles? No, but I do KNOW that my skin is in much better shape than it EVER has been in my life and Garnier did a nice job with the light scent mixed with the non-greasy formula! I know, I sound like a commercial.....but I believe in this stuff.....and my skin shows it!  Leave a comment about what you use and how you came to using it. I'd love to hear all the stories.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

What can Mama Do?

This morning I was setting up the PS3 player for Joshua to play his "Cars" game. I don't honestly do it very often so I'm not really sure how to do it very well and take awhile to turn it on every time. I talk to myself....all the time...LOL & I said (outloud, naturally), "Mommy doesn't know very much!" I was talking about the danged PS3 player. I just was having a time with it. Then Joshua quickly replies, "Yes you do, mommy! You can read really good! You can read this book (pointing to a book on the coffee table of his) really good!" I appreciate his trying to boost my confidence....LOL!!

Joshua LOVES LOVES LOVES reading that I mean US reading to him and him looking at the books. He is starting to "read" by sounding out words somewhat, but is just starting. He's getting a bit confused with some of the same sounding letters but who wouldn' c and k. He'll get it.

Read to your's important! They'll love it and you'll love the closeness you'll share!

Friday, February 4, 2011

What will they come up with next?

What the heck...I haven't posted in quite some time. I've had the flu. It really got me down this time, too. I had it from a Thursday through the following Wednesday....geez! That is a lot of throwing up and other going on!

Last night Joshua said the sweetest thing! It was one of those moments you want to freeze in time....and repeat over and over! We were driving down the road and passed the school he'll be going to in a few years and daddy said, "That's where you'll go to school, Joshua." To which I replied, "Yeah, and mommies gonna cry, too!" Joshua very sweetly comforted me saying, "That's ok, mommy, I'll be back!" I had to laugh! It was so darned cute. I then said that "in a flash you'll be all grown up and having your own 'lil Joshua's running around." "No I won't." said Joshua. I asked why. "Because I'm gonna have a lil girl." "Whatcha gonna name her?" heart still skips a beat as I'm about to tell you this...."I'm gonna name her mommy!"

This is one of my absolute fav pics of Joshua and I together. He's playing with my hair...which he LOVES to do. We are in the Gatlinburg area in this picture a few years ago. We love Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge and try to go at least once a year to visit. I'll have to tell you sometime about the story of me and Dolly Parton. It's hilarious. But, another time. If you haven't already tried this place in Pigeon Forge....try to eat at The Old Mill Restraunt. is devine, delicioius and delectable!! It is home cookin' at its finest!! This is truly my FAVORITE restaurant EVA!! Their corn chowder is to die for! Holy cow....I'm seeing a road trip in the near future.....LOL!!

Ya'll come back now, ya hear!!