Today, as a matter of fact, in a few moments, I'll be using a DVD tutorial on picture taking that came with my friends camera (she also happens to be a part of the family). She and I went to my free Beginners DSLR class offered by the place I purchased my camera. You see, they give you a year to take the class. I wanted to get to know my camera before coming to the class and boy am I glad I did as the instructor wasn't very forgiving if you didn't. He didn't seem to really enjoy his job that day. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was "that day"). I'm hoping the tutorial DVD will give me new insights on what to use when, how to do it and plain and simple, teach me how to use the combination of f-stop, iso, etc. The camera shop offers an advanced class for $50 which is worth it to me if I can learn this stuff. Did I mention that I've already taken a 4 week photography course? BUT, I have to say, I didn't have a DSLR camera at the time.
I cannot wait for spring to get here for several being that my picture taking techniques learned will be better to be put to than bare trees, snow, snow and more snow!! I love taking photos of Joshua but the poor kiddo needs a break I reckon. We have a pretty flowering tree in our front landscaping....and I cannot wait to take pics of the first of the pink buds that appear. We live out in the country...seriously....way, way, way out in the country..and I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way because we're so close to Louisville, KY that we get the benefit of life AND country life. I will be taking my trusty Olympus Pen E-PL1 WHEREVER I go once the nice weather hits for good. We've had some 60-70's of late but mixed with 40-50's too. Tis the time of year to have that.....a mix of both. Secondly, I cannot wait for the FIRST day of Spring.....for it is Joshua's 4th birthday! I can hardly believe that my lil man, my bambino, my lil munchkin' man will be 4....3 will be gone forever to be seen no more. We'll be at Bristol, TN for his a NASCAR race on his birthday....who could ask for more!? He's totally in love with NASCAR and knows ALL of the drivers by # and name and sponsor!! He's been able to do this since he was TWO!!!! I should've put it on YouTube of his naming off drivers by their sponsors.....too stinkin' cute!!
Well......I cannot wait to see this......
and be able to take "amazing" (insert laughter here) photos of Spring!! Now, to be perfectly honest...Spring is my 2nd fav season with Summer being numero uno because I am from the deep south.....Mississippi to be exact and I reckon I just got used to the HEAT (insert sweat here) Well ppl.....stay with me, enjoy or not enjoy and critique (go on, I can take it) my soon to come photos of Spring, who couldn't love Spring with all of its splendor!? I can, for one, say that my heart is happy!!