Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 "spots"

I went to the Dermatologist a couple weeks ago for a few "spots" that I thought were suspicious. Isn't it funny, not funny ha ha, but funny strange, that the spots we think are suspicious aren't really anthing at all?! Well, much to my relief they were nothing.

But.....yep, you guessed it.....there is always a but. I had a "spot" on my left shoulder that was sooooo itchy that it drove me crazy. I itched it till it was so sore and even had developed a (scab) on it. Well, the dermatologist said THEY (hey, I only had one itchy spot, Dr!) were concerning him.

So, Dr. Dermatologist took out his handy dandy eye piece looking thingy to get a better look at my shoulder. He said, as he shook his head, "yep, just as I thought." THOUGHT......what did you think? Tell me!

He said some mumbo-jumbo Dr. infused words to the nurse in the room as she took notes....all the while I was sitting there completely perplexed! But at least I wasn't in a plastic shirt or a hospital gown backwards..don't you hate wearing those?

Then it happened.....he turned to me and started to tell me what he saw. you know I was sweating bullets by this time.....wondering what the heck he was gonna tell me. "I'm very concerned about the 4 (four) spots on your shoulder. They aren't cancer, they're PRE-CANCER...ok. So, I'm gonna take my _____ and freeze the spots off." Hey, do whatcha gotta do.....I don't want to have skin cancer...ever!

"This is gonna sting just a little," he said as he aimed that honkin' big silver freeze baby burner thingy at my shoulder. He started and I closed my eyes anticipating much worse. I said it wasn't as bad as I thought. He said....and this is funny if you knew the Dr....."it is about like a tattoo." does he know. Maybe, just maybe my Dermatologist is sportin a eagle across his back? A cool cross on his shoulder? The arahmic word for Jesus? Who knows....but apparently he knows what a tat feels like. ON the other hand, I do, I have 4 tats. And let me tell ya.....what was to come later, hurt worse. I honestly think there is a numbing agent in the honking big silver canister. It wore off about 35-45 min. later and talk about HURT!

They blistered up like crazy and when I got home....all Joshua said was...."COOL! Can I touch it?" Uhhhhh, sure, I reckon you can touch it! Kids! LOL!!

But there's my right shoulder is itching just like the other started out to do. Crap. Just what I need.....Big silver freeze baby burner thingy again. But it'll be worth it to not have it grow into cancer. To be able to rest in the knowing that I'll be around for awhile longer. PHEW!!


Monday, August 1, 2011

My new "Pal"

Ok...confession time......I'm sick and tired of feeling like I do, looking like I do so I've started My Fitness Pal (again). It's a free website that calculates how much caloric, fat, carbs, etc intake you should have daily based on how much you now weigh, how much you want to lose and your activity level. It's an online food diary with a HUGE database of foods already in it that you can add (even restuarants) to your daily intake or add your own. I did it about a year ago and lost about 25 lbs with it....the ONLY thing I didn't adhere to was the water intake recommended. This time I'm trying harder. 8 glasses a day is tough when you're used to drinking a 2 liter of Diet Dr. Pepper a day!!!!! But, I'm gonna get there. Come what may....I hope and pray to get to my goal in about 7-10 months time.

You see, we have this Family Reunion next me ONE year to do this. I don't want to be the one that everyone votes most I've always been a skinny girl.....until the last few years that is, and especially after my hysterectomy. Oiy Vey!!

Well.....I tried to add my progress button to this page, but it won't let me saying it has characters in it that aren't allowed. Geez. So I'll have to just be honest with you on my progress......It'll help with accountability. Dh wants to lose as well.....what method he'll be taking is up to him......BUT I"m going to cook healthier, eat out healthier, etc. For all our sakes.

Gotta run.....but if you're interested, check out and see if it is for you, too. I LOVE it.

Peace and good, happy eating to you all......
