Let me back up a bit. When I leave Joshua off at Preschool, it is a real battle! I'm talking full blown screaming, kicking, wailing, crying, "Mommy don't leave me!" kind of battle!! I literally have to have one of the staff at the preschool pry him off of me in order for me to get out the door and all the while, he's screaming and crying how much he doesn't want me to leave him. (insert a tear here)!! BUT when I pick him up in the afternoon, he's running up to me, hugging me hard and telling me all the fun stuff he did that day.
So you see, I go through this daily, BUT when he "gets" to see daddy in the mornings, it is alltogether different in a not so pleasant way. I feel so awful for both of them. I want to just scoop him up, dry his lil tears and tell him it'll be ok. But in his lil world and in his lil mind, it isn't. He's already been through so much in his short little life and I have no way of imagining how hard that is on such a little tyke.
Well, back to this morning.....
Yesterday I bought him a Bubble Wand that lights up and swirls at the top (Toy Story, which he loves) and he fell in love with it and was playing with it this morning taking it from dark place to dark room to show me what it looked like in the dark! We both oohed and aahed at its sight of glowing colors!! Then, in a flash, it was time to leave for work. Darn....we were having so much fun, too.
Joshua spun his light and read his Lightning McQueen book all the way to preschool. Friday is toy day at his preschool, meaning that is the ONLY day they're allowed to bring toys from home to share with other kiddos. This morning he asked if he could bring in his Bubble Wand to show Hank, his best friend. I said, ONLY if you let me take it back out with me because today isn't Friday, as I went on and on explaining why. Joshua agreed. It was deep down inside me my hope that this little light would somehow magically make Joshua feel somewhat better (or forget) about the earlier happenings of the morning with daddy.
Can you imagine making this HUMONGO gianganitc bubble? I am sure your kiddos and my Joshua would LOVE to do it too!! But no, his is more like the one below except with a spinning color wheel on top that glows!!!!! Hey, he loves it!!!
Just imagine.....Come this weekend.....we'll be Bubble Wand making fools!!!! I sure hope that we get some monstrous bubbles outta this thing!!!! Well......I'm off on an adventure this weekend.....to a NASCAR race with Tony and Joshua. We have season tickets to Bristol, TN and we go 2 times a year (plus other races as well). So.....I'll write more later about this weekend....Something EXCITING is happening besides BRISTOL!!!!! ~Tina